Brain Boosting Beginnings
Brain Boosting Beginnings

The brain is a remarkable organ as it is in a continuous state of development. In addition to being in a perpetual state of plasticity, it constantly changes and adapts itself to guarantee proper functioning. However, the development it goes through immediately after birth and during the first two years of an individual’s life is ... Brain Boosting Beginnings

The Power of Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood
The Power of Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) definition is provided by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), a leading organization in the field of SEL research and advocacy. According to CASEL, SEL is: “The process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, ... The Power of Social Emotional Learning in Early Childhood

Conflict Resolution for Kids
Conflict Resolution for Kids

Having fights about toys and game rules are parts of being a kid. But it’s critical to help them learn how to manage such conflicts with ease and work out peaceful solutions to differing opinions. In other words, it’s not just about avoiding fights here and there; it’s about how we want our children to ... Conflict Resolution for Kids

Interactive Storytime Techniques
Interactive Storytime Techniques

Storytime is one of the most beloved routines in daycare; however, it is not confined to being a quiet pastime during a trying day—it is one of the foundation blocks of early childhood education. Reading to the children is performed to enhance and prolong mnemonic and literacy abilities, such as a child’s understanding of words ... Interactive Storytime Techniques

Spring Camp: Choosing the Perfect Break Experience for Your Child
Spring Camp: Choosing the Perfect Break Experience for Your Child

Instead of seeing spring break as only a respite from the classroom, consider it a chance to provide your child with unforgettable experiences that combine enjoyment, learning, and development. The spring break activity you choose for your child will have a lasting impression on their growth, happiness, and perception. The correct decision can spark a ... Spring Camp: Choosing the Perfect Break Experience for Your Child