Social interests start to take center stage around the preschool age. At around this age, many children make the decision about their friendships on their own. Many parents dislike whom they consider the “bad friends baby”. You can often hear the following phrase: “My child is not like that. His friends have a bad influence ... The Child’s Friends Are a Bad Influence on Him – Is It so?

Stress in a child is the body’s reaction to a trigger situation. Nowadays, stress affects most children as their brain activity rises as a result of having to integrate and digest a lot of information known as informational stress. Under the impact of emotional factors, the physiological systems of the body get overworked and that’s ... Stress and Your Child’s Brain

It is impossible to shield your child from all misfortunes, no matter how hard you try. The demand for medical treatment due to tick bites rises as summer approaches. Was your child bitten by a tick? If your little one got tick bitten, the question of what to do and where to go is very ... What to Do if a Child is Bitten by a Tick

Children’s summer vacations by the water are synonymous with squeals of joy, splashing water, and ringing laughter. However, for some reason, your kid refuses to join in, preferring instead to play on land, and when you attempt to take them into the water, they start to cry or yell One of the most common phobias ... How to Get Your Child Over Their Fear of Water

Every parent hopes to be the person their child turns to in a time of uncertainty and difficulty. But how is it even possible? How to make a child talk about their feelings, experiences, and problems? For the first years of a baby’s life, the relationship with their mother is 100% trusting. The newborn is ... How to Get Your Child to Talk about Their Problems

Some parents think that sharing with peers is unnecessary because then the child would have all the resources for a prosperous life. But in this scenario, there is a risk of bringing up a greedy child. On the other hand, if you consistently give everything to someone else, you will ultimately wind up with nothing. ... The Child is Greedy – How to Deal with It