This holiday is much loved by children as well as adults as it is a night full of fun, scares, and magic. A children’s party is difficult to plan; in order for it to be the most memorable, you must have well-organized ideas. Here are some of the key responsibilities when hosting a Halloween kids’ party to keep in mind.
Making the holiday’s symbols
Include all things pumpkin! Pumpkin serves as the primary representation of both fall and Halloween. Pick a nice pumpkin of your choice and spend time with friends and family carving it! You can create a smiling pumpkin, a patterned pumpkin lamp, or a scary face. Instead of carving you can take a pumpkin and a felt-tip pen and draw a face or any design you like on the pumpkin.
Choosing a costume
Dressing up in a nice costume is a Halloween necessity. A plethora of different Halloween costumes can be found online or in the many Halloween stores around. You can also easily make a costume on your own using household items. An example being a ghost – you can use an old white cloth and cut out eyes and a mouth. There are also easy and comfortable options like a T-shirt or onesie for an infant that requires minimal effort such as adding a hat or a prop to complete a look. Whether store-bought or homemade, the costume should be comfortable and breathable to prevent any health and safety hazards. Also, remember to not include small items in the costume that a baby could ingest.
Halloween contests
- Costume contest
Give the kids the assignment to arrive at the party dressed as any evil figure; have a fashion show; and give out awards for the scariest, cutest, and most inventive costumes.
- Competition for the scariest scream
Children take turns shouting. The one who comes out the loudest and the scariest wins. Children generally love to shout, and if they are allowed to do it to their heart’s content, then happiness knows no bounds.
- Competition for the spookiest grin
Children take turns making scary faces. For this purpose, you might even use a sizable picture frame that would accommodate the entire activity.
- Dragon’s Tail Competition
Children line up in a line and hold tightly to each other’s waists. The “head” of the dragon must catch the “tail”. “Tail”, of course, must dodge. The game is quick and highly energetic.
- “Skeleton Dress Up” game
A skeleton template cut out of paper is attached to a magnetic board. Children are given pieces of clothing. Next, blindfolded participants must attach the appropriate part of clothing to the skeleton, that is, a tie – on the neck, a cap – on the head, and so on. Then the presenter sums up who correctly dressed the “skeleton” and who did not.
What is another benefit of the holiday?
Halloween is a great opportunity to help your youngster overcome their phobias. Everyone is familiar with the Halloween custom of dressing up in spooky attire. Take advantage of this tradition to make children’s fears humorous while discussing them. Picture a spider with rollers on its legs or someone you fear wearing an odd outfit. If you have a humorous portrait of the person in your home or you are dressed as them, it is easier to overcome your fear of them.
We witch you a Happy Halloween!